More Than Anxiety

Ep 93 - Anxiety Relief Through Rapid Transformational Therapy and Past Life Regression with Niomi Hurley

Megan Devito Episode 93

What if you could relieve anxiety in just one session?
In this week's episode of The More than Anxiety Podcast, I'm talking with Niomi Hurley, founder of Get Up and Grow Consulting and host of the Catching the Octopus podcast.

Niomi shares her experience in hypnosis, past life regression, and  Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and how she helps men and women in business leadership and others recover from anxiety quickly.

With a background in enhancing workplace psychological safety and leadership capacity building, Naomi helps her clients uncover and reframe subconscious childhood beliefs that keep them feeling stuck and anxious.

You'll love the stories she shares, her insight and her unique approach to relieving anxiety and other subconscious blocks. 

Check out Niomi's podcast CATCHING THE OCTOPUS and learn more about her work HERE.


Transforming Anxiety With Rapid Therapy


Exploring Past Lives and Subconscious Memories


Past Life Regression and Spiritual Connections


Exploring Alternative Healing Modalities


Exploring Past Lives and Healing


Exploring Logic and Spirituality Together

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You know you're overwhelmed, burned out, sick to death of work but also trying to do everyting for everyone at home. TAKE THIS QUIZ to find out why you're so overwhelmed and what to do about it.

Megan Devito:

Welcome to the More Than Anxiety Podcast. I'm Megan Devito and I help ambitious women break out of the anxiety cycle that keeps them frustrated and stuck. Get ready for a lighthearted approach that will change what you think, how you feel and what you believe about yourself. This podcast is full of simple steps, a lot of truth, talk and inspiration to take action so you walk away feeling confident, calm, and ready to live. Let's get to it. Hey there, welcome to episode 92 of the More Than Anxiety podcast. My name is Megan, I'm going to be your host today and I'm so excited to be able to introduce you to Niomi Hurley.

Megan Devito:

Niomi is an amazing keynote speaker, the founder of Get Up and Grow Consulting and the host of the Catching the Octopus podcast. She works with businesses and individuals to enhance performance through personal and group transformations. Using her understanding and modifying human behavior, she does workplace psychological safety and leadership capacity building. That's a lot. She's developed a customized package aimed at increasing focus and accountability that delivers outstanding results in your business and in your life by closing the gap on where you are to where you want to be. She also has one-to-one consultation sessions as both a therapist, an energy healer or a coach, and she explores your subconscious and the drivers behind your behaviors and blocks, to help her clients create meaningful change in their lives, in both individual settings or based on site as part of a corporate well-being program. Her mission is to spark curiosity and awareness and growth in businesses and in individuals that empowers them to move towards self-actualization and to achieve more.

Megan Devito:

Get Up and Grow Consulting provides a full range of organizational psychology strategies in HR, culture, safety, management, leadership, employee profiling and improved productivity, and I just got a really cool past life regression done with her, so you're going to love this podcast. She has so much to share, enjoy. So I would love to hear what all you do, because you do lots of different things, but I know that we've talked about a few of them before, but tell me more about what you do.

Niomi Hurley:

So I have two elements. Well, my background was in the corporate space, so I love leveling up leaders, so I do work in that leadership capacity space, but less about what they need to do and more about who they need to become, and that kind of filters through as well into the individual services that I offer. So I offer something called Rapid Transformational Therapy, or RTT, and that's facilitated under hypnosis and it was actually created by a lady named Marissa Peer in the UK. So I trained with her school to be able to do that and it's mind mind blowing. You know some of the results that my clients get. So they say it takes between one to three sessions to be able to get the results you're after.

Niomi Hurley:

But majority of my clients see some significant changes after one, which for me was. It was a little bit hard to believe at first. But the way that the therapy works, it kind of is the same as about 10 talk sessions, so a lot of people can get a lot of change out of 10 talk sessions. But why I think it's so magical, is it actually while the client is under hypnosis we actually go back and explore, you know, what events, times, happenings have occurred over their lifetime and a majority of it's in childhood that have actually established this belief system for the way that they feel, act or think. So once they then can identify what's contributed to that, then while we're in the session, we just reframe and we go on and we do some positive programming at the end. So it's really remarkable. And we go on and we do some positive programming at the end.

Megan Devito:

And that's yeah, because one session, I mean people spend years in therapy and I think that I'm always a fan of therapy. Right Like I want people to go to therapy, I think everybody should have a therapist.

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah, agreed.

Megan Devito:

So, yes, go to therapy and one session is amazing. So I know, like, do you work specifically with people who, I mean, if you have somebody with some sort of like trauma that they remember, like they know it was a big T trauma Is this like a big trauma situation or is this more like, 'I just don't know why I feel this way. I don't know why I'm always so anxious or why I'm so angry', or whatever it is that's coming up for them. Do you have guidelines on that?

Niomi Hurley:

It can be both because a big trauma situation for us normally what trauma is and I'm not taking away from the pain of events, but it's less about the event and it's more usually about the lack of support afterwards.

Niomi Hurley:

That's usually what actually creates the trauma is that that feeling of helplessness or not being supported or loved or enough. And so the subconscious grabs that and goes oh, when you're in that space, you're not safe. So we need to set up these mechanisms to try and keep you safe. And whether that presents as flashbacks or anxiety or you know other things that you know high emotional dependence, untrusting with other people and partners and however that kind of manifests through, it's usually a few things that have happened and then sometimes that one event will just cement it in. For others there's no trauma or major trauma. And some people come in and they'll say to me oh, I think it's this and this and this, and when we go back into the session it's none of those things. Because the thing with the subconscious is it's not stuff we realize, right, otherwise it'd be in the conscious mind.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, can you tell me a story? Like do you feel like you have one you can tell without like outing your clients, or anything like that? Like, do you feel like you have one you can tell without like outing your clients or anything like that? I don't want you to get in trouble, but I would love to hear. I know you told me one before and you're welcome to tell me the same one, because nobody else has heard it. But yeah, I would love to hear a story. These kinds of things get me so excited.

Niomi Hurley:

Well, every session I have gets me excited. It's really amazing because every one of them are profoundly different, even though the process is very similar that I go through. But the aha moment that the client has and the emotion that comes through from the scenes is unique to each one, which blows my mind. The thing about it as well is it's less about the scene they're going back to and it's more about connecting with the emotion, because what the subconscious mind does is it actually connects with the event at the age, cognition of when the event happened. So as adults we might look at that and go, well, that's silly to get upset about. But the subconscious is still four, five, six, seven where it actually still feels like it's relevant to hold on to that example I shared with you. I will share that one.

Niomi Hurley:

So I had a client come in for anxiety and she suffered quite severely from anxiety and she was still functioning. But it was difficult for her to show up and function and even when I spoke with her you could see her energy just wasn't leveled out. You know, when you're in that anxiety space you're just kind of looking around and you're just not relaxed. Yeah, so we went back and she had three or four scenes that came up, but for her there was one that was really prevalent. Now, when we first started talking before the session, she actually said, 'well, look, I don't know what's going to come up, because I had a great childhood. My parents were awesome, I didn't get bullied at school Like I have no idea how this has come about.'

Niomi Hurley:

So when we went back, there was the scene that really stood out the most for her was one when she was four years old and she'd woken up for a nightmare and so she went out and when she went in the hallway she was feeling uneasy like there might be someone there and you know her mind was playing tricks on her from the nightmare.

Niomi Hurley:

So she went in to go and speak with her mum about it and wake her mum up, and her mum, like most mums have done in the past, has kind of gone oh, you'll be fine, go back to sleep and her little four-year-old mind just created this story that you know your mum is awesome. She's always there for you, she's always supporting you, but in this time of need she's not there, and if she's not there, no one's going to be there. And so it just created this anxiety all the time for her, that she wasn't enough and she wasn't supported. And afterwards she actually said I'm really embarrassed, like that wasn't a scene that was really significant. Yeah, I said don't be embarrassed because that's the subconscious mind. And so I love telling that example because it's not what people expect. They think you know, a major trauma has caused it.

Megan Devito:

But for her it wasn't. Yeah, I think that's so important to know because I've mentioned to people before on my podcast that 2023, I just had like a lot more anxiety, had things going on in my life that were it was just a lot. I mean, it was a lot of emotion, a lot of things I was thinking, and so I did what so many people who are anxious do. I was digging in. I'm like surely I have repressed something. I got nothing. And the more that I looked, the more I was like, oh my God, what if something happened to me and it was so bad that I like shut it out? And no, really, it's not that I was just giving it so much attention, but I think it's so good to know.

Megan Devito:

I think it's really, really important for people to know in this place where we're all trying to figure out what happened. Sometimes it's not something huge, it was done in love. I mean, mom was exhausted and she told her four-year-old it's okay, sweetheart, go back to bed. I mean I've done it, I don't know how many times. No, you're okay, go back to bed.

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah, and I think that's the thing, and I was just referring before as well it's not the event usually, it's that what happens after the event. That's event. Usually it's that what happens after the event. That's what the subconscious mind grabs onto, because we all have events. There's not one person I've met, even outside of my thought clients, that hasn't had something major, some major life influence, and we all show up differently from that. Right, there's some people that have coping skills and there's some people that have had more challenging times afterwards. But it's that afterwards. What's the emotion connection, what's the subconscious grabbed and stored, and then that's what comes through in the sessions.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, so is it. Have you seen something where at certain ages, it's certain events that correspond with that age, Like when you're two, these are the things that your subconscious turns to? Because we know brain development changes, right, and I mean we learn at two, this is what we do, and at three and at four, and you know, when you're five, this is what your brain is looking at. So do you notice that like, oh well, if this happened, I'm guessing you were around four.

Niomi Hurley:

I haven't seen that. I've had clients go back to in the womb because the subconscious is the brain right, so the subconscious doesn't have a oh. I only remember from this age. So to me there's no particular age, it's more the event and the meaning that's put behind it, rather than that particular milestone of when the brain develops.

Megan Devito:

I think that's scary, first of all, but amazing. I don't know if I want to remember being in the womb. I don't want to go back that far, but how amazing that that can happen. So when you have walked people through this, have they been able to actually remember being in the womb?

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah. So when I was doing my training, I heard people talking about it and I'm I'm right Really Like I'm quite spiritual but at the same time really skeptical because I've got such a lot of me. Yeah, yeah. So when they first started talking about it, I was kind of like, yeah, whatever. And then we were doing practice sessions during our training and one of the sessions I was in as a client I actually went back in the womb and I was like, oh, this is real, yeah. And then probably you know a couple of clients in.

Niomi Hurley:

I had a client that he was saying you know, it's dark, there's no scenes coming up for me, and I'm like that's okay, just go with it. And it took me a little while. And then I was like, oh, hang on a minute. I said how does your body feel? She goes, oh, it feels like it's floating. And so then I went into what can you hear? If you can't see anything? What can you hear? And then things started coming through and she was hearing some of the trauma that her mum was experiencing while she was in the womb.

Niomi Hurley:

So, yeah, and some people will say to me, oh, but it's a story that someone told me. I don't know if it's real. And my thing is well, whatever's coming up is real, because it wouldn't come up. You haven't come here and planned it. And it's not usually like I said those expected things that people go it's going to be this, this, this and this. But yeah, that was amazing.

Niomi Hurley:

And and then the same sort of thing happened to me with the past life, right, so you and I have talked about this as well. So I I then was in. I heard people talking about going into past lives and I was like, yeah, whatever. And I had a session done on me and I went into a past life and I was like, wow. So then I grabbed, you know, a group of my friends and I went can I test something out on you? And now I also facilitate past life regression. So I'll either go you know, let's look at events in this lifetime, or for other people, it's like let's look at events over your soul's existence, like what's happened to actually create where you're at now.

Megan Devito:

And this was something that we did together, which was the first time I was super nervous, like I told you. I mean, when we started, I'm like I'm kind of nervous, as I'm a church girl and I'm not sure if this is like going to be okay, and it was so interesting. And I just told you that I'm also like very spiritual but also very skeptical. So and this is true even with my own faith, I'm like, yeah, I think so, you know, it's faith right, like so I was like okay. But when it started, I'm like wait, like I can't make this stuff up on the fly. Like it was one of those things. I'm - it was confusing. I'm like I don't understand why I think this, and I even told you a couple of times I'm like I think I'm overthinking this.

Megan Devito:

But yeah, so Niomi walked me through a past life regression and I went - what did we do? Three times, I think three. Yeah, we did three times. And so the first time there were like two lives that came up at the same time. It was like a split screen, all I could say, it's like watching Zoom in your head, like right, there's one side was one and one was the other. Yeah, and that was crazy.

Niomi Hurley:

Well, that was amazing. That's the first time I've ever had a client come up with that and that, again, a lot of it is interpreting, but I feel like I'm actually sometimes channeling and guided to do things as well. So I suppose I need to um have a disclaimer on that. I don't believe that I'm the almighty powerful and, no, I'm still human. But you know, I'll actually get a tingling on the top of my head, and when the top of my head tingles, I'm speaking and it's me speaking, but they're not my ideas is the best way I can describe it. And what came through for me with you when you were in that space was and I think I said this I went are you meant to be comparing these lives, because they contrasted so much differently and that ended up resonating with you.

Megan Devito:

It was funny. After afterward I started thinking about it a little more and that was the really the one, I think, that stuck the most. The one kind of freaked me out and the other one was just super fun. But this one I was like this is almost this is my inner dialogue at all times. It really was my 'you should be this, you should be this' conversation and it was very much both sides of me playing against each other, and neither was bad, but it's always been this like fighting against one but also fighting against the other, and it was really. It was funny. It was very much like my subconscious just split in half and was like here you go, yeah, there's both sides and you're fighting against yourself, and it was really that's what it felt like the whole time.

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah, and I think for you it kind of come up as a um, an either or belief system, and then we kind of talked about it, reframed it to go what about have both? What about instead of an either or cause things on both sides of the coin are still one coin, right, so they're still complementing each other in different ways.

Megan Devito:

o then we, so we, we did that, we did that one, and then we went back to the weird flight attendant one, which I still don't understand and it creeps me out. Every time I think about it. I'm like I don't like that one, like it kind of creeps me out. Um, and then the really fun one with the African man. But the thing that has stuck with me so much was that, towards the end, when you, when you had me follow, follow that soul up, and we got up there and it was like I could tell that there was someone there, but I was never going to see it, like I almost knew, like I was like hello, and all I got out of the whole thing was I already told you this morning, and that stuck with me so much. Like, no, I already told you this morning, yeah, we already talked about this, and then it settled it Like it was like it, like that was okay.

Niomi Hurley:

So that's where the gold happens, to be honest, and I call it like an interlife experience. So it's an in-between life space. Um, that would take people and and that's where the real gold comes, because that's where all the really good downloads come. But when I'm talking to people about it, I talk about a past life regression, because people understand that more and and you probably will get this um being in it. But you wouldn't fathom what it would be like to be in that space with those souls and those energies until you're actually in the session and you're doing it Right. So, and I think some people see things, some people don't, and for everyone that's unique. So I've had some people see huge angels that they've said like they're three stories high, big angel beings, and then I've had others saying they just see light orbs just floating around. But it's it's again same as the RTT. It's less about what they're seeing and it's about what the information that they're getting it's kind of like a divine download about, like.

Megan Devito:

It was was almost like a oh, okay, so we're going to go there again, huh? It was very much like long story, but I'll give you the summation of it. But that morning I had started. Every morning I get up and I do a devotion, I do a prayer journal and I was nervous, right? Like I was going to do this past life thing, but I had been journaling about this question I had for how to create this thing in my coaching business and it was like I had this great idea and I was solid, like I finished journaling and I'm like, whoa, that was crazy.

Megan Devito:

But then I, you know, you go back, I start questioning myself again. So I brought it up right before we started and it was really like I went into this dark room where it was like you're not going to see me here and I'm like am I even supposed to be here? Like I don't even know if I'm supposed to be here, like I'm going to get kicked out. Is this like heaven? Where am I? So, and all I get was I already told you this morning and I was like oh, I'm sorry, okay, sorry, yeah, but it was.

Niomi Hurley:

And you know most of the people that get it as well. There's, they feel an overwhelming sense of love and they feel safe, but the communication isn't done. Oh darling. It's always really direct. It's like here's what. That's what you need to know. And I think even when people go if we're going into that spiritual aspect to a clairvoyant or a reader, you know we don't get told things we're not meant to know and I don't know if anyone's been to one. I go, I want to know this and they're like not getting anything on that. So it's kind of in that space. It's whatever you're meant to know and whatever you're meant to be shared is what gets shared. And that blows my mind because, like I said, although I'm spiritual, I'm also very logical minded and it took me a while to actually accept that.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, it was really, really interesting and you're right, it was very dark. It was one of those things where it definitely was dark and I was starting to wait to feel like, okay, I need to go or to get scared, but I didn't ever get there. It was more like something's supposed to happen, like am I, what am I doing? Like am I doing it wrong? And then, but it was never a scary thing. I did wait, though I'm like this is going to get scary in a second. But, it never did. It never did.

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah, and look, I've got another friend who had a religious upbringing and when I grabbed my friends together she was really hesitant as well, so I can connect and relate with you with that and she had me reassuring her. You know, this is definitely something that's more of a divine thing. You know where's it coming from and and, as you know, I invoke a lot of blessings and things like that during the process. So I only feel like I usually say my mate upstairs, because not everyone has a religious kind of connection and it's different than saying Source, Universe, God. You know whatever people believe, but I believe we all have a connection with that energy and that's what I tap into to use it. So it's always.

Niomi Hurley:

I've not had anyone that's had a terrible experience. I have had one client that did have was in a past life and did start feeling like their body was contorting. So that was like that was saying they felt physically uncomfortable and so I do energy healing as well. So in that space I actually did some energy healing and use some of my crystals and again just doing whatever I felt like I need to do this and they actually had like this full release and for them that was what the session was there was. There was this like tension that was stuck, that was actually inhibiting them, that they needed to release. So everyone's so different. It's it's really magical. It's so great.

Megan Devito:

I think magical is the best way I could describe it, and it's something that I'm really I'm so grateful that I got to experience that, because it's not anything I've ever experienced before and it was really fun, and I, you know, I think that just knowing more about why we are the way that we are is so important, and not necessarily trying to get to the bottom of things all the time, but just knowing that, like even in both modalities, whether it's the RTT is that you said RTT, right?

Megan Devito:

Yeah, so whether it's that or the, or the past life regression, they're both really great tools to be able to help people start to heal. And that we don't have to spend years and years and years getting there is so important, because there are so many people that think I'm going to be like this forever and if I'm not, it's going to take me the rest of my life to feel good, and I'm like no, it's not, it's like a, it's a momentary shift that just happens. You just have to get to the shifting point. Yeah, yeah.

Niomi Hurley:

And and if we do go a little bit esoteric and look at the whole energy concept, you know, thoughts are things right, and so we have these thought forms that we create and they can create by emotion and they get stuck in our body, and so what RTT is basically doing is going in and going okay, let's have a look at these thought forms that have been stuck in here and the emotion that's connected so we can release them. And the reason why it kind of equates to about 10 talk sessions is if anyone's done talk therapy, usually it starts bubbling stuff up. Each time we go, it bubbles up something and it bubbles up, and so eventually it opens up and those thought forms come and present themselves and that's when we have that aha moment, like that's what it is, yeah, so it's really interesting and there's so many different modalities of different things for different people. People get it from yoga or meditation or talk therapy or RTT, and I think that's just reaffirming how beautifully unique we all are, right.

Megan Devito:

For sure. Yeah, and I can't even imagine the stories that you've heard in like doing these different, like past life regressions and everything else. Just it has to be just amazing. I mean I'll just like to share, like the one that I thought was so fun that I was like I have no idea what's going on here.

Megan Devito:

At one point I went back and I and it was somewhere in Africa and I was just some guy that was going to go hunt but I was going to take like a spear and hunt for fruit. It was the weirdest thing ever. All I knew was that this was one happy guy Like I'm like I don't know this guy's just like smiling at everybody, like waving to everybody. He was just happy and doing whatever. And I was like what is happening? And I kept thinking and I kept thinking like he wanted to show me something in like the jungle and there were all these trees. I'm terrified to go in the woods because I am petrified of snakes. And even in this thing I'm like I can remember thinking I don't really like being in this foresty thing, like I didn't like being in there from that. But he's like no, it's fine, everything's fine, it was hilarious. Like I kind of was like this is funny.

Megan Devito:

It was just so like take me and put me in the exact opposite, other than I'm pretty happy and I'm always like waving to people. But it really was the strangest, like there's no way waving to people. But it really was the strangest, like there's no way. I mean no way.

Niomi Hurley:

It could have just been like oh, yeah, yeah. And and I think that's one of the things I do say we just need don't make anything happen, just let it happen, cause as soon as we start making something happen, that's the logical mind jumping in again. And you know, I do have some stories and depends how open-minded your audience are. But I had one client that went back to a past life that wasn't on the earth realm, and so that took me a little bit to adjust to, because all of my clients have been humans and here they were being in a realm that actually wasn't earth, which was confusing for them as well, because they're like oh, hang on, these beings don't look like they're humans, but we're all working together in this group and we're not talking, but we all know what each other's thinking and we've all got this collective goal we're working towards.

Niomi Hurley:

And I kind of again had this feeling. I just said are you on earth? And she's like no, I'm not. And then it opened up to a whole, yeah, different space. So I've never been big believer of aliens, but I suppose, if you think about it, this universe is so vast surely we're not that special and unique that we're the only creatures alive. Um, right, but yeah, so there's, there's, there are some things that even challenge me in the session, as my role is just to be open-minded and just support the people with their journey on what they're seeing and what they're being shown.

Megan Devito:

You're good, because if that would have been me and that conversation, I would have been like I need to know everything! Really, like, where do they live? What do they do? Do they like us? Like, have they been here? Are they coming? Are they coming to visit? I know what do we have to do to stop climate change, cause you ask them while you're there.

Niomi Hurley:


Megan Devito:

Like you might hold a lot of answers that we need right now, but yeah, it's really, yeah, it's.

Niomi Hurley:

It's an amazing kind of thing to be able to do and and even with the RTT, I'm really grateful for that because it's taken me through this path. But I've seen some amazing change with that as well. And, if I can share another story, this is probably my most profound story. So I had this gentleman. His sister reached out to me because he was in hospital because he'd harmed himself and she said I need him to see someone. This was on a Friday, tomorrow and I can't get in. Will you do it? So I had to be upfront and just disclose and say well, look, I've worked with people that have talked about harming, but not someone that's harmed. So I just want you to know where my expertise lie. Anyway, so he came in for a session and he was adopted when he was about three or four months old. He did it by her family and one of his scenes was he was only a baby and he was in the court, in the orphanage, and he was just crying and crying and crying and no one would come to him. Um, which is probably and I think as parents we've all kind of done that from time to time with our kids, you know like we've let them cry it out, but for this human, he um established this thought of oh, I'm not enough and I'm not loved. So then he went back to another scene where his dad adoptive dad would say to him when he got angry you're not even my real son. So again got this belief system of I'm not enough, I'm not loved. And then he went into a scene where he was at work and he turned up drunk. So he had a drinking problem as well, and he was getting the sack from his job. And I'm like, oh, is this, um, the first time you've done this? He said no, I've done it multiple times, um. And I said, well, don't you like your job? He goes. No, I love my job.

Niomi Hurley:

And then we together explored and found out that he was self-sabotaging because he didn't believe he was worthy. So for him, the reframe. For him, again, I'm I'm a really kind, loving, cuddle person. But this is what I got to say to him. So I said so, the lady that rung me up and brought me in, she's your sister, and he goes. Yeah, and I said so.

Niomi Hurley:

She also who visited you at the hospital, and he goes. Yeah, my sister and I was like well, who took you to the hospital? He's like my sister. I said what else does she do for you? And he came up with all these things. And then I just said to him I said, but she's not your sister, right, not really by blood. And then he kind of his energy, sort of just sat there and I said, so why do you think she does that? And then he just had this overwhelming, just started letting emotion out. He goes because she loves me and I went, exactly so, you are lovable and you are enough. And that completely changed his life.

Niomi Hurley:

Um, that's amazing yeah, and so I. You know I've had lots of ups and downs in my life and everything has brought me to here and I've just my whole body's got bumps, bumps. But I know I'm you're making me tear up. I don't know how to express the gratitude to all of those universal pathways that allow me to do this for people, because it's next level, amazing.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, everything lines up, doesn't?

Niomi Hurley:


Megan Devito:

Yeah, it does. It just lines up for us.

Niomi Hurley:


Megan Devito:


Niomi Hurley:

And so he went on. He did come back for a second session. He did stop drinking after that, though for a week he didn't have any alcohol, and then he reduced his drinking down. He came back, though, because he ended up getting COVID and he had a lady friend he'd met at the time and they had to isolate together and she needed a whole heap of healing done. So her influence was bringing back some of those thoughts and feelings again, so he broke off the relationship after the COVID isolation and came back to me to say how can I actually get her out of my mind? Why am I gripping to her so much? So we're like, okay, let's go and explore that. So we went in and we explored why that was happening.

Niomi Hurley:

But, yeah, he went on to then start volunteering at a garden and he had some mates go, come on, let's go for some beers. He's like, oh, I can't, they really need me in the garden tomorrow and just really found some purpose that he could showcase in his life. So, yeah, I'm lucky to be sent clients that really I can create a difference in, but in saying that, I don't think it's me that creates the difference. All I'm doing is I'm just guiding them down a path where they open a door and they just go. Oh, it all makes sense now.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, but what a great job, career, I mean purpose. Whatever you want to call it right Like what an incredible gift to be able to bring to people.

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah, I pinch myself sometimes and it's funny because how I feel upon it is. I did a range of Tony Robbins events so as when COVID hit, I could do them online, which was great. I didn't have to fly anywhere. So when I came out of Unleash the Power Within, I went back into speaking to my work friends and I'm just like this is amazing, everyone here needs to do it. I'm HR, I've got to organize it. And my one of the directors actually approached me and she said have you heard of Marissa Peer? And I'm like no, she said she's got a very, a softer energy. I think she'll connect with you.

Niomi Hurley:

So my director was in and out and I think it was the next week. She was coming in the following day and I'm like, oh, I better check out this Marissa Peers so I can say I have right. So I looked her up and found her on Mindvalley and I did she did a group hypnosis while we're there and I came out of that and I was just like this is what I'm meant to do, this is it. And so I phoned up, I signed up for the course and I was doing a psychology degree at the time. I was actually going to go in to be a clinical psych and I ended up shifting in that space and moving into the hypnotherapy and now I'm a clinical hypnotherapist because I just feel like it has for me it connects better and I feel like it has more impact.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, I think it does. And I think that for a long time, you know, everybody just imagined you have like the little watch that you were going to dangle in front of people and make them bark like a dog and do crazy things and um, but it's not, it's not. I mean, I think I what I think was really interesting the entire time that we did that past life regression, I was absolutely there but also 100% conscious of what you were saying. I mean, like yes, it was very much a like riding the line, I guess would be a good way to describe it when, like no, this is definitely there, like I was definitely into it. But also, if you would have said where are you laying, I would have been like I'm laying on the futon in my office, like I knew where I was. You know, I could differentiate between where I was and where I was.

Niomi Hurley:

Yeah, and I think what the, the method that I was taught and the method that I use really has a real strong soul connection and I think that's why you still have that physical awareness of everything, of where you are and stuff. But for me if I'm being honest and again hope it's not too out there for some of your listeners and their thought process, but I believe the subconscious is the soul. I believe that is the soul element and so it just like our ass, we take on a physical body. I feel like the soul takes on a physical consciousness, which is that subconscious element. So that's why you can be in two places at once.

Megan Devito:

You can be in a place where you're reliving or revisiting these experiences while you're still physically here, as well, yeah, yeah, that makes sense, that makes total sense.

Niomi Hurley:

So, yeah, I think that is one of the things that I mean. I've seen a heap of other clinical hypnotherapists that just get people to lay down and just do like NLP and positive programming and they get results, but that doesn't connect with everyone. Like some people need to do the exploring themselves. You know especially logical thinkers Like no, no, no, you can't just tell me. I need to feel, I need to experience, I need to be there.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, logical thinking is great until it's not yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean you can't logical your way out of everything. I mean logic your way out of everything. There's just some things that defy logic and that's really frustrating for some people. I mean for me, where I'm like, yes, but I'm going to want, like it doesn't make sense. No, I'm going to want like it doesn't make sense. No, I mean, a lot of things just don't make sense, and I think that there's some freedom in that. I mean there's some fear in it, for sure, but there's definitely freedom in it as well,

Niomi Hurley:

And I think it goes back to that coin, doesn't it? Like? You know, there's the logical space, but there's also that open-mindedness and that spiritual element that we all have, and there's not. It's not an either or when we can get to a point where we can heal, we can simultaneously do both those things at once. And it's interesting because the study I'm doing around energy healing and energy work and that sort of thing, the teacher actually says specifically don't believe everything I say. You know, go and test it. Go and try it out and see if it works for you.

Niomi Hurley:

Because you know someone that's too mystical in thinking. You know my and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this, but you know they say, oh, if you want to get rid of those hiccups, go and dance under the moonlight naked and jump on your right leg three times, right. So then people go, oh, and they run and do it and the jumping might get rid of the hiccups, right. So they might think, yes, this worked. But you can be a practical spiritualist as well and still have that logical questioning, and I don't feel like there's anything wrong with that. I think they both complement each other a little bit.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, I actually had a pastor one time that told me like I was like no, you don't understand. Like I question everything, Like I am a hard sell on everything, and his answer was, yeah, I actually think God kind of likes that and I'm like, well, it's a good thing, because here I am. But I think you're right, I think there is value in that questioning and it does help us come up with what fits in our own experience and what we believe.

Niomi Hurley:

And God wouldn't have given us a mind if he didn't expect us to think right, right, but I feel like, being here, what our job to do is to experience. That's what I feel like life is about is experience, and I feel like we take the collectiveness of those experiences and we take them back and we share them right with that whole oneness and that whole space. And so we don't know what it's like to be tall if we're always short. So one time we'll come back short, next time we'll come back tall. We don't know what it's like to be grateful if we've not experienced trauma and adversity.

Niomi Hurley:

So there's some lifetimes we come in where everything's roses, and there's some where we're just like oh my God, I can't believe I got through that Right, what happened, what was that about? So everything is purposeful and I think that is the where I go into my spirituality. So I've still got that logical thinking, but I've also got that space to go. Okay, let's get curious about this instead of letting it overwhelm me. Let's get curious and find out what purpose does it have, or just sometimes have faith that there is a purpose for it.

Megan Devito:

Yeah, and eventually, you know, sometimes we get to figure that out. Yeah, and I think that that's really. I think it's beautiful what you can help people figure out, even if it's just something that you know, something as important as helping that person who had a nightmare when they were four, and you don't have to carry that nightmare around with you anymore.

Megan Devito:

That is big, impressive work. So we know that you do these two things. So tell me, like briefly, what else? What else can people connect with you to hear more about? I know you have podcasts. I know you have all kinds of things.

Niomi Hurley:

Yes, yes, so I have Catching the Octopus podcast and it is a leadership-based podcast. However, I believe leaders come in all shapes and forms, just like humans do. So, whether you know, it has some people that are leading from the front, some leading from within, some leading from behind and some just leading by example. So I have a range of different guests that come on there and then I do a bit of a recap, so then I give my spin on what we spoke about as well. So if that interests people, they can jump onto that.

Niomi Hurley:

I also do do some online bits and pieces, some courses. I'm looking at doing a one day event local to me, though, in a couple of months, where I'm going to get some other spiritual gurus to come in and just to give some information about what they do, just to create that curiosity. And I feel like, if I look at, ultimately, what I do is I love to create curiosity in people and I think if that's how we approach life, then we are able to get through the adversity a little bit easier and we are able to enjoy those beautiful things. So my website getupandgrowconsultingcom. au. People can jump on there and learn more about me, or they can connect on LinkedIn.

Megan Devito:

Perfect, and I will put all of your links in the bottom in the show notes. And if you live in Western Australia, maybe you want to go to our live event because there are sometimes people who are connecting, you know, on podcasts and in Australia and things like that. So it has been so much fun to talk with you tonight for me, morning for you, yes, yes.

Megan Devito:

You know, the greatest thing is that we are exactly 12 hours apart, because if it was some other random number, I would never, ever ever be able to make time change work in my head. So I'm so grateful that we could make this work and that we could actually find an hour that worked for both of us. So thank you so much.

Niomi Hurley:

Thank you for the opportunity. I love chatting about what I do and I love impacting lives, so keep doing what you're doing too, megan you as well, thank you.

Megan Devito:

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the More Than Anxiety podcast. Before you go, be sure to subscribe and leave a review so others can easily find this resource as well. And, of course, if you're ready to feel calm, to stop overthinking and have a lot more fun, you can go to the show notes, click the link and talk to me about coaching. I'll talk to you soon.